Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In other news...

A couple nights ago, I heard this scratching noise in the middle of the night. I figured it was my dog because sometimes my dog will get up in the middle of the night and scratch the door so that I can let her out into the kitchen. I was a little surprised to see my dog knocked out next to me under the covers with her teddy bear like usual. So I investigated and found the noise coming from inside the wall. could only mean one thing. It's winter time and the mice are coming inside to the warm houses. My boyfriend and I left the house ASAP and got a variety of mouse traps.

For the next week or so, I didn't see or hear anything so I was relieved that the mouse hadn't broke into the house. Until today. The mousetrap like the one on the right where the sticky part is on the inside was next to the dryer. This morning I hear all this flapping. I'm thinking again that it's my dog except my dog is asleep next to me.

I get up and go to where I hear the flapping. Lo and behold - a mouse stuck on the glue trap. It was actually kind of cute. It stayed real still. I didn't want to just grab it so I got some tongs out of the kitchen. I looked at the mouse. The mouse lifted his head and looked at me and I swear it looked like this.
For one second I was hypnotized but, fear makes you do some crazy stuff. I took the tongs and closed up the glue trap into a box again. The whole time the mouse is still moving a lot because only its tail was stuck on the glue trap. My heart was pounding so fast. I stuff it into a Walmart plastic bag. Then another plastic bag. Then a box. Then another plastic bag. And then another plastic bag. I placed it outside while I took a shower just in case it gnawed itself free before I was finished taking my shower and could dispose of it properly.

I will be replenishing my stock of mouse glue traps tonight. So you if you see a crazy lady acting like it's supermarket sweep in the mouse trap aisle. Don't be afraid.


A. Rose said...

haha. i love the puss in boots picture!!

CHELLE said...

awww. the pic added a special zing to the story..hehe


Anonymous said...

ROTFL. That was hilarious. I can definitely see you doing that. And the picture made me laugh out loud, literally.

Reminds me of the fruit flies...

Girl with Curl said...


Maybe I'm in the wrong business. I should be doing pest control. First fruit flies, now mice.